Continuous Testing Fri, 20 Jan 2023 11:02:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Accelerate Digital Transformation by Reinventing Testing Mon, 13 Aug 2018 14:11:11 +0000

It is evident that the digital transformation is reinventing business practices. In this digitally-driven era, technological capabilities are continuously improving, and in order to sustain, organizations MUST be innovative and agile as they integrate digital technologies into their business practices. Contents 1. Role of Digital Transformation 2. Advantages of Moving Forward with Continuous Testing 3. … Continue reading "Accelerate Digital Transformation by Reinventing Testing"

The post Accelerate Digital Transformation by Reinventing Testing first appeared on TestingXperts.


It is evident that the digital transformation is reinventing business practices. In this digitally-driven era, technological capabilities are continuously improving, and in order to sustain, organizations MUST be innovative and agile as they integrate digital technologies into their business practices.

Contents 1. Role of Digital Transformation 2. Advantages of Moving Forward with Continuous Testing 3. Conclusion

Having a digital transformation strategy in place has become a necessity in order to stay competitive in any market.


Role of Digital Transformation


The evolution from normal business to digital is no easy task as the digital world is changing rapidly and unpredictably. Keeping up the pace can present challenges and leave many uncertain of how to continue. This is where the need for re-inventing software testing arises.

Reinventing the software testing process is essential for achieving the speed and agility that is required to succeed in the digital future. This has become an easy method for organizations that are looking to move forward in the digital world and accelerate innovation while improving cost-effectiveness and reducing business risks.

The question remains- how does an organization get there?

Few organizations have the amenities and the knowledge of building a new quality process from scratch. However, most need to address extremely complex systems and monitoring requirements in the transition phase in order to avoid disruption to business-critical operations. So how do you rearrange your established quality process with the firm drive towards continuous everything?

Answer- Leveraging Continuous Testing

Continuous Testing leverages agile approach and methodology to execute end-to-end testing of applications. The goal is to facilitate continuous delivery with continuous quality and quicken time to market.


Advantages of Moving Forward with Continuous Testing


Continuous testing and integration benefits for QA Company

1. Identifies defects/bugs faster, driving cost-effectiveness

Software testing and development approaches are transformed to identify bugs faster and reduce business risks. Continuous Testing makes the software development process collaborative and open to change in the production environment. It helps in to identify defects quicker in the overall software development lifecycle, making the process cost-effective.

2. Quickens the release cycle, driving competitive advantage

Continuous Testing shortens the development cycle time, thereby increasing the frequency of releases. This helps companies to reach faster to the market. The teams can release the minimum viable product (MVP) at any point during the project.

3. Jumpstarts DevOps approach

Continuous Testing is the initial step towards driving the DevOps approach. It boosts continuous feedback that is crucial for the DevOps approach to display noticeable results. DevOps is primarily an organization’s cultural shift towards collaboration between the development teams and operations teams. This boosts continuity and accelerates the development cycle. Continuous Testing and DevOps together helps in making the process quicker and seamless.

4. Empowers experimentation

Businesses are implementing digital technologies to get more responsive and efficacious in the competitive marketplace. They are bringing a change from the legacy systems and are transforming. Continuous Testing encourages collaboration between developers and testers within the development environment. This collaboration also enables team members in devising efficient ways of implementing certain features. Continuous testing also promotes experimentation, helping the teams experience immediate success.

Continuous testing services & DevOps impact on QA testing


The new digitally-driven era needs an improved approach in terms of speed and agility. By re-inventing the process of testing, implementing continuous testing, and with trending technical and agile practices, an organization can be successful in driving digital transformation. A digital transformation strategy necessitates a creation of capabilities to efficiently leverage new technologies and strengthen their impact in a faster, better, and a much more innovative manner.

TestingXperts, a frontrunner in implementing the agile DevOps practices, is helping in automating the clients’ tests, achieving timely delivery schedules, and strengthening the agile processes. Connect with us to know more about continuous testing and allow us to help you deliver your software applications faster and better.

The post Accelerate Digital Transformation by Reinventing Testing first appeared on TestingXperts.

How DevOps and Continuous Testing will Impact Mon, 15 Jan 2018 08:29:23 +0000 devops-and-continuous-testing

Businesses nowadays have not just exposed most of their internal applications to the customer, but have also developed additional software that outspreads and complements those applications. Software failures have severe business consequences, which is why application-related risks have become evident constituents of a business’ public financial filing. As a result, enterprises are embracing comprehensive software … Continue reading "How DevOps and Continuous Testing will Impact"

The post How DevOps and Continuous Testing will Impact first appeared on TestingXperts.


Businesses nowadays have not just exposed most of their internal applications to the customer, but have also developed additional software that outspreads and complements those applications. Software failures have severe business consequences, which is why application-related risks have become evident constituents of a business’ public financial filing. As a result, enterprises are embracing comprehensive software testing techniques for their applications.

Contents 1. How Did 2023 Embrace Change? 2. Faster Release Cycles Will Require DevOps and Continuous Testing 3. IoT and Cross-platform Engagement Will Require More Devices and More Applications 4. Conclusion

How Did 2023 Embrace Change?

In 2023, we saw remarkable growth in adoption of agile methodologies such as ATDD and BDD. Besides this, organizations have left legacy tools behind, supporting faster and agile-ready testing. This move emulates the need to cater to every role that touches continuous testing such as development, testing, or operations.

In 2023, organizations will witness the above-stated solutions growing to a higher scale, whereby the manual and legacy tools skills will transform into more modern ones. The evolution of continuous testing (CT), continuous integration (CI), and DevOps will also transform into much shorter releases acting as a channel towards real continuous delivery (CD). Leading organizations will be forced to invest in people and empower their developers with continuous testing capabilities that reflect a better range of quality checks, i.e. focusing more on DevSecOps. QA will no longer be a bottleneck, rather it will become the crux of the entire CI/CD cycle. The year 2023 will also bring a clear focus on Test Data Management as businesses will continue to find the accessibility of test data to be one of the most crucial aspects that drives lead time in test cycles.

Faster Release Cycles Will Require DevOps and Continuous Testing

DevOps is meant to trace an entire organization; though it’s profoundly weighted in the software development lifecycle. This is the reason that DevOps will be going mainstream in 2023. Companies will be making the adoption of DevOps practices a top priority. The main objective of companies will be delivering value to the customers faster through the automation of the release processes. This will only happen if the organizations realize that in order to establish their DevOps processes, they would require continuous testing as a part of their continuous integration process. In order to achieve faster and timely release cycles, companies will have to migrate away from the legacy testing solutions that inhibit them from shift left methodologies by leveraging cloud-based and open-source testing solutions.

IoT and Cross-platform Engagement Will Require More Devices and More Applications

With organizations’ ever-changing processes and innovations to mix different digital technologies, there will be an evident rise in the IoT (Internet of Things) devices. This transformation will create a need for more applications, further insisting on continuous testing of those applications.

In this year, industries such as healthcare, financial services, e-commerce, and automotive will all completely embrace the IoT. There might be transformations in the current processes and applications, as consumers and developers embrace the continuously evolving innovative capabilities coming in 2023.

DevOps Best Practices - Integrating QA and DevOps


To maintain and nurture customers and productivity, CIOs must identify the significance of empowering developers with the right tools and time to implement continuous testing across the SDLC. Tools that are powered by automation and the cloud solutions are increasing competency, reducing the time that is spent by developers on manual quality-checking. It also helps to produce apps that are synchronized with customer expectations.

The value of an efficient, or not-so efficient DevOps process can effectively ‘make or break’ an organization. In this year, organizations should include IT leadership in these conversations to make sure that developers are getting what they require, when they require it, in order to keep businesses moving as anticipated. TestingXperts specializes in market-leading devops software testing tools for enterprises. TestingXperts has constantly been growing with the transformational changes in the industry and is equipped to take on forthcoming changes effectively this year.

The post How DevOps and Continuous Testing will Impact first appeared on TestingXperts.

Continuous Testing: Because DevOps and Impatient Customers matter Mon, 11 Sep 2017 13:44:00 +0000 continuous testing

In a world where everyone is running at a breakneck speed, the slow-motion era of conventional testing will just not hold ground, any more. Step into the power of Continuous Testing and be a sharp enterprise. Contents 1. Continuous testing and Devops World 2. Enters Dev, Shakes Ops 3. Benefits of Continuous Testing and Devops … Continue reading "Continuous Testing: Because DevOps and Impatient Customers matter"

The post Continuous Testing: Because DevOps and Impatient Customers matter first appeared on TestingXperts.

continuous testing

In a world where everyone is running at a breakneck speed, the slow-motion era of conventional testing will just not hold ground, any more. Step into the power of Continuous Testing and be a sharp enterprise.

Contents 1. Continuous testing and Devops World 2. Enters Dev, Shakes Ops 3. Benefits of Continuous Testing and Devops 4. Shift to continuous testing


Continuous testing and Devops World


Before we knew it, the rise of an app-economy, fierce consumerization of technology, the arrival of digital natives and penetration of new technological marvels in everyday lives have strongly changed the way products and services are expected, consumed and forgotten. It’s a strange new-world where a company must be digitally-nimble and be there for a customer – every time and at any time.

Now in this app-stirred world, isn’t it fascinating that the rate of churn of new software is so fast today that to test it effectively in itself has become an onerous and slippery task? At the same time, can we ignore that in 2016, software failures have culminated into losses as huge as $1.1 trillion?

Let’s face it.

1. Always-on Users: Today’s customers are born into technology and there’s no weaning them away from the 24/7 and always-available services they have gotten used to. Enterprises and CTOs may find this problem a new beast altogether, since the digitally-born rivals are miles ahead in serving customers with jaw-dropping speed and an absolutely-robust grip on the pulse of the new-age customer.

2. Time to rethink the Status-Quo: There is no way that snail-paced, Luddite and bureaucracy-driven methods of building and testing apps can survive in this blistering world where apps come and go before you blink an eye.

How can you ensure that while your developers are trying to tune in to this new race, you also manage to have your QA and testing team ensure that the apps and offerings you put on your customer’s plate are not only dished out fast, but they also get a thumbs-up on quality and utility?

It’s a dilemma-dotted scenario where apps have to be continuously built, deployed, tested and released, but at the same time, IT can leave no room for any mistakes when it comes to defects, risks and usability issues.

continuous integration


Enters Dev, Shakes Ops

DevOps and the rise of Micro-services have prodded the Dev professionals into always being on their toes. However, the Ops side had to come and rub their shoulders too, without slugging behind.

That has engendered a very relevant and clever genre of testing, making businesses and testers re-imagine everything they took granted so far.


Benefits of Continuous Testing and Devops


1. It allows the software delivery pipeline to gather feedback that is immediate, continuous and actionable; and helps the business to be pre-emptive with risks around a software release.

2. One can sync in QA testing with Dev and Ops processes in an optimized, proactive and seamless way and hence put a tick-box on both business and development goals.

3. Now Dev sprints can find Ops and QA folks running side by side and both can ensure adequate quality, proper and effective coverage for frequent builds of the modern-day app-economies.

4. Since the onset of Agile development methodology and the app-economy era that came close on its heels, enterprises have been struggling to make sure QA is not miles behind the nimble and super-fast Dev processes that are almost status-quo now. With Continuous Testing, one can pull in a systematic approach, sturdy process improvement, and integration of QA into skate-board-strapped Dev and Ops processes; but, also be relaxed regarding the continuity that is fundamental and critical for faster development cycles.

5. Think of a new paradigm of automated tests. More organizations can now be seen embracing automated acceptance tests too. During the commit stage, these tests are being deployed and the range spans from functional to non-functional criteria while guarding against regression and ensuring overall business value as expected by the customer. These tests may spot errors that may be beyond the grip of unit and component tests as well. Interestingly, these acceptance tests are customer-facing unlike unit tests that are usually developer-facing. That’s a quantum leap for enterprises today that are fighting the relentless challenge of being relevant for digitally-savvy and always-on customers.

6. The context of a production-like environment is another highlight of these kinds of tests. Smart use of a risk-based testing approach will be a major accelerator for many enterprises here. With such tools and an evolved state of automation, enterprises can be assured of continuity in testing, and at the same time, confident about precise risk-assessment and mitigation insights that pour in at the right time to the right person.

7. Core automation is passé but in a continuous testing, adequate risk-based impact analysis comes to the forefront. Nowadays experts in the field are also offering a layered approach that entails test implementation layer and application driver layer. This helps the code to cover interaction with application to perform actions and test results. So much so that any small change in an application’s source code, configuration, environment or data can spur a new instance in the pipeline altogether.

continuous testing service

Let’s remind ourselves that in this agile-app, fast-economy and tech-fuelled world, the age of monolithic and flabby software testing is over. Now is the time for the lean and the mean to jump in. Innovation and agility are no more longer in SDLC today, and conventional software testing cannot furnish the visibility, responsiveness, scope and endurance that the new age demands.

Shift to Continuous Testing

A shift to Continuous Testing is a no-brainer if you want to keep your customers happy with services run from robust, dependable, maintainable and automated suites as integral and easy parts of the lifecycle.

The certainty of providing the best user experience – one high on comfort and still free of defects needs a mindset switch – Test early, test faster, test often and test continuously.

The post Continuous Testing: Because DevOps and Impatient Customers matter first appeared on TestingXperts.

LeanFT: A Perfect Solution Built for Continuous Testing Mon, 19 Jun 2017 13:46:17 +0000 continuous-testing

Enterprises these days are facing challenges with rapidly changing market dynamics, increased customer expectations, and frequent technology upgrades. These changes have compelled more and more enterprises to move towards the agile lifecycle model. Agile is an iterative approach to software delivery where software is built incrementally in multiple cycles rather than trying to deliver it … Continue reading "LeanFT: A Perfect Solution Built for Continuous Testing"

The post LeanFT: A Perfect Solution Built for Continuous Testing first appeared on TestingXperts.


Enterprises these days are facing challenges with rapidly changing market dynamics, increased customer expectations, and frequent technology upgrades. These changes have compelled more and more enterprises to move towards the agile lifecycle model. Agile is an iterative approach to software delivery where software is built incrementally in multiple cycles rather than trying to deliver it all at once in the end. There are multiple tools available in the market to make the adoption of agile easier. ‘HP LeanFT’ is one such tool that helps in achieving this goal.


1. What is LeanFT
2. LeanFT offers Application Models
3. Main advantages of HP LeanFT
4. How is LeanFT a Perfect Solution for Continuous Integration and Testing?

What is LeanFT

LeanFT is the most recent functional testing solution for continuous testing and continuous integration. Having a closer look at the market opportunity, and with Agile, Continuous integration and delivery gaining popularity, HP was dead right in releasing LeanFT.

Thus, let’s understand what’s different with LeanFT.

LeanFT offers Application Models

An application model is a chain of test objects that is related to the real objects in your application under test. Application model allows you to maintain your tests in a single location to be used across the testing suite. It comes with impressive features such as Tags, Search and Locate using object identification center that is accessible while managing large scale application models. LeanFT allows the users to use application models both in Visual Studio for your C# tests and in Eclipse for Java tests.

LeanFT offer excellent methods for verifying application behavior. LeanFT verify class, VerifyImageExists, and VerifyImageMatch methods help in checking appearance and behavior of your application. This is phenomenal as it lets you perform frontier-style verifications to check whether your application performs as you want it to.

Main advantages of HP LeanFT are:

• Lower Costs – LeanFT is a plugin for IDEs like Microsoft Visual Studio and Eclipse. If a user is already using HP UFT and is moving towards DevOps, they can get LeanFT for free.

• Quicker Test Creation – HP LeanFT is compatible with Eclipse and Visual Studio and also helps you write and maintain your tests rapidly. Since it uses the concepts and features of HP UFT; it is easier for users who want to use it right away.

• Extraordinary Predictability – LeanFT targets better alignment and collaboration between automation engineers and developers by using the renowned CI/CD tools which can integrate straight into LeanFT.

How is LeanFT a Perfect Solution for Continuous Integration and Testing?

Resistant and Robust Tests Applications that have a tendency to change rapidly pose unique challenges for testing. The object identification tools in LeanFT help in maintaining uniformity of testing models throughout, by adapting to changes in the original application.

Compatible with Different Operating Systems LeanFT’s multi-platform support lets sers design and executes tests on Mac, Windows, and Linux platforms.

Portable across various IDEs Encourages and enable developers and QA to work together in agile teams by using the same tool for development and testing. LeanFT features functional testing capabilities in Eclipse, Visual Studio, and IntelliJ, so you can achieve high productivity with software testing tools you are aware of.

ISV Challenges

End-to-end Reporting throughout the Lifecycle Users can get straight to the root of the issues with LeanFT’s detailed description of the flow of test execution that includes actionable and clear reasons for test failures at each phase.

TestingXperts can help you make an Agile shift at the basic level which is very challenging for most of the organizations. Contact us today to know more about our effectiveness in migrating to LeanFT.

The post LeanFT: A Perfect Solution Built for Continuous Testing first appeared on TestingXperts.

How Continuous Testing Eliminates Top 5 Challenges Faced by ISV’s Mon, 05 Jun 2017 14:51:14 +0000 challenges-faced-by-ISV

Changes have been continuously shaking markets as Independent Software Vendors (ISV’s) of all sizes are competing to sustain with how customers consume the applications. There is fierce competition and delivering a superior product ahead of the competition is the only way to stay relevant in the market. Any new release of the product must have … Continue reading "How Continuous Testing Eliminates Top 5 Challenges Faced by ISV’s"

The post How Continuous Testing Eliminates Top 5 Challenges Faced by ISV’s first appeared on TestingXperts.


Changes have been continuously shaking markets as Independent Software Vendors (ISV’s) of all sizes are competing to sustain with how customers consume the applications. There is fierce competition and delivering a superior product ahead of the competition is the only way to stay relevant in the market. Any new release of the product must have flawless functionality, fast performance, great customer experience, and reliable security.

In this scenario, application testing is a crucial phase of the development lifecycle. End to end testing of the application helps the organization enhance customer loyalty, builds a brand’s visibility, and boosts profitability. Due to the frequently changing requirements, together with a compact software development lifecycle (SDLC), ISV testing teams have been facing the pressure to do more with less budget.

Contents 1. Challenges faced by ISV’s 2. Strategy to overcome these challenges – Continuous Testing 3. Benefits of Implementing Continuous Testing

Challenges faced by ISV’s

1. Budget constraints: ISV’s, especially the smaller ones, may need to deal with low budgets spent in a strong vigil from investors or promoters. They need to re-define their product strategy and implementation approach as per the allocated budget.

2. Changing demands of product owner: There are times when customers tend to dictate what an ISV must deliver to be successful. With the rapidly changing requirements of the product owner, lots of flexibility is required.

3. Early release requirement: The scarcity of time for releasing software makes it difficult to turn ideas into requirements, develop, design, and released in a collapsed timeframe.

4. The internal team performing testing, affecting quality: ISVs, many times, do not have the budget to support a robust testing process. They usually take a leap of confidence that the developers will perform the necessary testing to ensure a successful product, which affects the quality.

5. Inability to attract talent: Smaller ISVs may be striving to make a mark in the industry and may have issues attracting talent and people who have relevant experience in this industry.

Strategy to overcome these challenges – Continuous Testing

The introduction of advanced software development models such as DevOps has allowed testers to apply their earnest efforts toward instilling quality into a software application right from its inception. The DevOps model enables dynamic and continuous testing efforts created right from the beginning of the development stage through the initial production release and beyond.

Several companies are adopting continuous testing practices to respond to competing demands and deliver higher-quality applications. Continuous testing helps in increasing productivity and the ability to deliver high-quality applications that are aligned with business needs.

Benefits of Implementing Continuous Testing

Improves speed to market: Organizations can test potentially releasable software very early in the lifecycle. Testing at the time of application development allows the client to understand the quality of product. This allows ISV’s to release the applications faster, enabling them to get the revenue sooner.

Improves quality: Continuous testing helps improve the application quality while verifying each component at the development phase through more automated tests.

Increases ability to deliver: As an organization’s ability to provide high-quality software progresses, the number of issues within upstream development activities decreases. This surges the total number of usable software that is formed by the team, thus increasing the team’s ability.

Lowers risk: Due to the combined and iterative nature of continuous testing practices , risks are able to be recognized and alleviated earlier in the process.


In this situation, ISV companies should leverage outsourcing options that are best suited to provide a perfect solution to the challenges they are facing. An efficient and specialist testing company can provide integration and synchronization between the suite components and tools within the SDLC. TestingXperts, with specialist experience in DevOps testing, brings next-generation QA services catering to the specific needs of the ISVs. Read more about our DevOps testing services here.

The post How Continuous Testing Eliminates Top 5 Challenges Faced by ISV’s first appeared on TestingXperts.

Why is Continuous Testing the Key to Redefining DevOps Tue, 02 May 2017 14:47:22 +0000

The introduction of Agile and DevOps methodology has accelerated the development and testing process from days to hours or minutes, giving birth to continuous testing. Continuous testing refers to the exercise of beginning the testing process alongside with development, and shortening the test cycles, to focus on prevention of problem instead of just detection. To … Continue reading "Why is Continuous Testing the Key to Redefining DevOps"

The post Why is Continuous Testing the Key to Redefining DevOps first appeared on TestingXperts.

The introduction of Agile and DevOps methodology has accelerated the development and testing process from days to hours or minutes, giving birth to continuous testing. Continuous testing refers to the exercise of beginning the testing process alongside with development, and shortening the test cycles, to focus on prevention of problem instead of just detection. To succeed in continuous testing, it is important to maximize automation of testing activities in the process.

Continuous Testing and Devops

DevOps, being an extension of agile development methodology, helps in laying stress on communication, collaboration, and integration among various stakeholders in the process, i.e. QA, development, and operations. Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery are the two most important components of DevOps practices. DevOps is the latest and the most acknowledged approach to handling the ever-changing business scenarios. Continuous integration (CI) is the main component of DevOps practice which ensures that the software is built and tested on a regular basis and bug-fixes are released quickly. It involves members of a team to integrate their work regularly. Every check-in is then corroborated by an automated build, which helps in an early detection of defects. Since CI recognizes defects early in the development phase, defects are easy to resolve and are less complex. Employing Continuous Integration and automation tools is standard in a DevOps cycle.

Continuous Testing- TestingXperts Point of View

Continuous testing is the primary step while embarking on a DevOps journey. Continuous testing is a symbol for a continuous feedback mechanism that drives software delivery throughout the SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) channel. Continuous Testing, if implemented thoroughly, allows flawless continuity in the SDLC. Integrating a completely automated continuous testing process in the lifecycle is the most efficient solution for a successful continuous delivery process. We have hosted a webinar on May 4, 2017 on ‘Why is Continuous Testing the Key to Redefining DevOps’. You can register yourself for our Free upcoming webinars here  

The post Why is Continuous Testing the Key to Redefining DevOps first appeared on TestingXperts.

Dissipating the Delusions around Continuous Testing [INFOGRAPHIC] Mon, 24 Apr 2017 14:22:41 +0000 continuous testing

The changing roles of testers and developers and the need for a cultural shift adoption of Agile and DevOps practices are impacting all teams in the software development lifecycle (SDLC), including QA & testing. In this changing and challenging phase, every organization is scouting for innovative, yet proven ways of working that will help their … Continue reading "Dissipating the Delusions around Continuous Testing [INFOGRAPHIC]"

The post Dissipating the Delusions around Continuous Testing [INFOGRAPHIC] first appeared on TestingXperts.

continuous testing

The changing roles of testers and developers and the need for a cultural shift adoption of Agile and DevOps practices are impacting all teams in the software development lifecycle (SDLC), including QA & testing. In this changing and challenging phase, every organization is scouting for innovative, yet proven ways of working that will help their teams work in a seamless manner.

Continuous Testing, being the popular and the most reliable method has proved to play a key in addressing these new challenges and produce the most reliable product. Continuous testing involves implementing automated tests as part of effective software delivery to overcome business risks and deliver continuous quality. However, multiple aberrations around continuous testing are moving around the application development community.

Infographic on delusions around continuous testing:

Delusions around continuous testing

The post Dissipating the Delusions around Continuous Testing [INFOGRAPHIC] first appeared on TestingXperts.

Can Continuous Testing Ensure Continuous Quality Mon, 17 Apr 2017 12:29:00 +0000 Can-Continuous-Testing-Ensure-Continuous-Quality

The infotainment and the entertainment industry has experienced extraordinary changes over the past. Television, which was considered to be an ‘idiot box’ has now been replaced by smart televisions having numerous prodigious features. Contents 1. Role of Continuous Testing 2. Continuous Testing Objectives 3. Continuous Testing Ensuring Continuous Quality 4. How TestingXperts can help you … Continue reading "Can Continuous Testing Ensure Continuous Quality"

The post Can Continuous Testing Ensure Continuous Quality first appeared on TestingXperts.


The infotainment and the entertainment industry has experienced extraordinary changes over the past. Television, which was considered to be an ‘idiot box’ has now been replaced by smart televisions having numerous prodigious features.


1. Role of Continuous Testing 2. Continuous Testing Objectives 3. Continuous Testing Ensuring Continuous Quality 4. How TestingXperts can help you achieve continuous quality 5. Read more blogs on Continuous Testing

With the arrival of online channels, the entertainment industry has been progressively reintroducing itself by providing features such as a movie on demand. These days, you do not have to wait for a movie to come on TV, you can place an order, and the movie will be available to you in seconds. Likewise, the LIVE streaming of a cricket match on your smart device has become a new-age innovation. You carry the world in your smart device!

Role of Continuous Testing

These digital innovations require a seamless experience. However, do we know the real reason behind these digital innovations, and how to deliver a seamless experience every time? Pioneering software testing approaches such as DevOps, Agile, and Shift-Right have been ruling the software development cycle and forming a great impact. The intense emphasis on continuous testing and continuous delivery has made organizations move towards it, to deliver software that accurately reflects the end-user need.

In this challenging and changing phase, it is important for every enterprise to showcase quality in their offerings and deliver vigorous applications. This indicates that the key to effective delivery is performance, which comes with continuous software testing. Testing has become an end-to-end, cross-functional operation, collaboratively involving all teams throughout the product lifecycle. Continuous testing applies methods and concepts of agile development to the testing and QA process, resulting in greater efficiency.

Continuous Testing Objectives:

• Flawless delivery

• Faster time to market

• Assured efficiency

• A holistic view of the application quality

While there are several testing tools available in the market, it is imperative to understand the relevance of these tools for your business. Continuous testing is a process where automation is the critical factor – establishing an  end-to-end automation testing solution that’s integrated with existing continuous integration and continuous delivery processes.

Continuous Testing Ensuring Continuous Quality

Continuous testing helps ensure that quality is built in from the requirements while validating each component at the development level before it enters the system. Meanwhile, iterative QA starts from day one. Defects and uncertainty of changing user needs can be resolved as they emerge, avoiding late rework and damage to the ultimate user experience. Design, test, and development assets are all built on users’ desired functionality and are maintained consistently as this changes. Meanwhile, the software is accurately deployed, resulting in better-quality software delivered earlier and at less cost.

Continuous Testing Best Practices

How TestingXperts can help you achieve continuous quality

DevOps is an integral part of delivering efficient software. To reach the continuous delivery stage with continuous quality, enterprises need to do more than just adopt some DevOps tools. Enterprises need to reinvent their old school practices supporting traditional methodologies.

TestingXperts, as a frontrunner in adopting agile methodologies and DevOps practices, can help you automate your tests, achieve timely delivery schedules, and strengthen your agile process. Know more about our Agile and DevOps methodologies and allow us to help you deliver your software applications faster and better.

Read more blogs on Continuous Testing:

1. Continuous Testing: Missing Link for Continuous Delivery 2. Enable Continuous Testing with Shift Left and Shift Right Approach
3. 4 Best Practices of Continuous Testing You Must know

The post Can Continuous Testing Ensure Continuous Quality first appeared on TestingXperts.

4 Best Practices of Continuous Testing You Must know Tue, 11 Apr 2017 11:58:49 +0000 continuous-testing

An organization may adopt modern and competent processes and tools, but they cannot fetch any value without the willingness of people to acclimatize themselves to execute these processes and usage of tools. The limitations of tester and developer roles become indistinct in Agile and DevOps methodologies. These days a tester might have to configure deployments, … Continue reading "4 Best Practices of Continuous Testing You Must know"

The post 4 Best Practices of Continuous Testing You Must know first appeared on TestingXperts.


An organization may adopt modern and competent processes and tools, but they cannot fetch any value without the willingness of people to acclimatize themselves to execute these processes and usage of tools. The limitations of tester and developer roles become indistinct in Agile and DevOps methodologies. These days a tester might have to configure deployments, and a developer might require configuring the automation test cases, and add them to the QA repository.

Contents 1. Continuous Testing Role in DevOps 2. Continuous Testing Best Practices 3. Conclusion

Working together and taking complete responsibility for the delivery and quality of the software is a necessity these days. This cultural shift can be attained by boosting collaboration while improving visibility to all stakeholders into a project’s objectives and status. Building a DevOps culture is entirely based on collaboration and conviction though it requires people to change their old mindset at times.

Continuous Testing Role in DevOps

Delivering large scale application suites can be extremely challenging. The extreme pressure of testing complex systems and meeting the demands of time-to-market make it increasingly difficult to deliver reliable systems in time.

The only potential way to meet these challenging demands of today’s business environment is to start testing from the beginning of software development lifecycle. This continuous approach to testing includes testing requirements and system designs to be testable through automated techniques. Continuous testing also plays a major role in continuous delivery. It involves the usage of concepts and methods of Agile development for the QA and testing process, proposing more efficient testing process. Executing automated end-to-end testing as part of the software development continuously throughout the SDLC is termed as continuous testing.

Given below are a set of best practices that can help in implementing and improving testing throughout the software development lifecycle.

Continuous Testing Best Practices

1. Collaborate With Business

Continuous Testing means testing early and frequently. We must ensure to acquire requirements from business to start development.• Building a close relationship with the business analysts is important for QA

• Eliminating vagueness from user stories is important- one must ensure user story includes a clear set of acceptance criteria and is testable

• Ignoring non-functional testing can be risky as it can hamper security and performance

• Building meaningful and important end-to-end test scenarios by utilizing data/analytics and trends from the production website to collect information about user journeys and activities through the application should be significant

2. Lean Testing

Continuous testing requires completely focusing on providing value for business. Instead of spending effort and time on producing artifacts that do not provide value, the focus should be on organizing testing in a lean manner.

• Pairing testers with developers is important to ensure effective unit testing is executed

• Reducing unnecessary testing artifacts like carrying out extensive test cases and test plans, reducing wait times for testing should be kept in mind

• Adapting a more investigative attitude towards testing while testing manually can be helpful

3. Implement a QA Practice

• Building a strong QA and testing practice that drives development and defining an agile QA testing strategy can prove to be useful

• Running regular QA workshops where the testers can improve their soft skills as well as technical skills is significant

• Leveraging technical architecture diagrams, models of the applications, and implementing accurate test techniques are beneficial

Continuous Testing: Missing Link for Continuous Delivery - Blog

4. Automated Testing

Continuous testing follows the test early and test often approach. Automated testing is useful in order to get quick feedback on the application quality.

• Making test automation a responsibility of both developers and testers is imperative

• Knowing when to automate tests and when to leave them as manual is critical for an effective and speedy delivery

• Running automated tests from a CI server is significant

• Automating new functionality and stories along development instead of leaving them for later should be the ultimate goal.


Continuous testing has proved to be a major asset to organizations who are looking to accelerate their software development and release schedules. TestingXperts, as an early adopter of DevOps and agile practices, helps fulfill delivery schedules in time and boost software development process. Know more about our Agile and DevOps methodologies and allow us to help you deliver your software applications faster and better.

Read more blogs on Continuous Testing:

1. Continuous Testing: Missing Link for Continuous Delivery

2. Enable Continuous Testing with Shift Left and Shift Right Approach

The post 4 Best Practices of Continuous Testing You Must know first appeared on TestingXperts.

Continuous Testing: Missing Link for Continuous Delivery Mon, 03 Apr 2017 08:11:07 +0000 continuous testing and delivery

The initiation of DevOps infrastructure and agile development process has accelerated development build-test-deploy cycle from days to hours to minutes. This process has given birth to continuous testing and validation. Continuous testing refers to the exercise of beginning testing alongside development, shortening test cycles, to emphasize more on prevention of the problem instead of detection. … Continue reading "Continuous Testing: Missing Link for Continuous Delivery"

The post Continuous Testing: Missing Link for Continuous Delivery first appeared on TestingXperts.

continuous testing and delivery

The initiation of DevOps infrastructure and agile development process has accelerated development build-test-deploy cycle from days to hours to minutes. This process has given birth to continuous testing and validation. Continuous testing refers to the exercise of beginning testing alongside development, shortening test cycles, to emphasize more on prevention of the problem instead of detection.

1. Continuous Testing and Devops 2. Continuous Testing Elements 3. Conclusion 4. Read more blogs on Continuous Testing


Continuous Testing and Devops


In order to achieve continuous testing, it is essential to automate every small activity in the process. Continuous testing typically means that you do not need to compromise. You can automate your testing and integrate it into building the process as soon as possible.

Extensive continuous testing plays a key role in DevOps success. It is the prime reason that organizations are focusing on automating their build, delivery, and integration processes but still having trouble with test planning and automation. In this article, we will discuss the essential elements needed for continuous testing and how continuous testing can help speed up the software delivery process.

In order to accelerate the software delivery process, an organization should re-evaluate their current testing practices. Organizations must consider the re-engineering software quality process as they jump to transform into continuous testing.

Continuous Testing Elements:

1. Automated Testing: There are multiple applications on which complex systems are built, and all these applications tend to exchange information via different platforms. Considering manual testing for these applications can slow down the process considerably. To prevent delay, testing with functional automation can help alleviate the challenges associated with testing the integrated applications in the complex system.

2. Service Virtualization: Organizations can leverage service virtualization and continuously validate changes to bring higher quality products to market rapidly at a lower cost.

3. Risk Assessment: Organizations can assess the project risk upfront and measure whether they have done enough testing before going into production. Some points that can be considered during the risk assessment process are technical debt, business-related risks, and coverage.

4. Shift-Left: Organizations tend to implement automated test suites via a user interface as soon as the application is deployed. This approach can result in a delay in discovering defects, adding risk to the overall project. Focusing on shift-left quality practices can help in identifying problems early.

continuous testing process

5. Test Optimization: Making the necessary cultural changes i.e. following the DevOps approach rather than the old traditional methods and processes can help in accelerating the delivery process. Continuous testing cannot just be possible by just automating Integration, Unit, Functional, Component, Security, and Performance testing activities. A constant workflow needs to be created with the associated processes and policies in order to achieve test optimization early.


Continuous testing enables flawless continuity in the delivery cycle if implemented diligently. In order to accelerate the continuous delivery process, it is important to integrate a fully automated continuous testing process into the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Organizations are dealing with tight deadlines and continuously changing demands from an informed customer section. TestingXperts, as a frontrunner in adopting the agile methodologies and DevOps practices, can help you in your automating your tests, achieving timely delivery schedules, and strengthening your agile process.

Read more blogs on Continuous Testing: 1. Enable Continuous Testing with Shift Left and Shift Right Approach 2. 4 Best Practices of Continuous Testing You Must know

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The post Continuous Testing: Missing Link for Continuous Delivery first appeared on TestingXperts.
