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Automation Testing Services

Automation testing services

Test Automation serves as a catalyst for reducing regression testing timelines and expediting product launches, resulting in substantial cost efficiencies over the long term. However, the crux of a successful test automation strategy for automation testing companies lies in a well-defined strategy and roadmap, ensuring optimal returns on investment. Given the complexities of diverse application architectures, multiple environments, integrations with third-party systems, and an array of user devices, a standardized and consistent automation approach emerges as pivotal. This approach not only supports reusability and simplifies maintenance but also minimizes upfront expenditures.

Harnessing our extensive experience in guiding clients through the realm of test automation and shaping their automation journeys, TestingXperts emerges as a vanguard in the realm of test automation company. We’re dedicated to delivering the outcomes you’ve envisioned through your investment in test automation.

Our test automation solutions seamlessly align with your business imperatives, as we craft an automation strategy tailored to your enterprise’s overarching objectives. We rigorously evaluate a suite of tools to recommend the perfect fit for your requirements and budget.

In this age of DevOps, the demarcations between software development and operations have dissolved, ushering in a new era of collaboration and efficiency. Navigating this transformation requires not only cultural shifts but also the strategic implementation of suitable tools, technologies, and best practices. TestingXperts, a QA automation testing services company, stands ready to be your guiding force through this evolution. Our comprehensive suite of DevOps Services, encompassing DevOps Advisory, Infrastructure as Code consultation and implementation, and CI/CD Implementation, empowers your organization to optimize processes, tools, and human capital.

As a distinguished test automation company, TestingXperts employs its robust Test Automation Framework to validate the behavior and performance of diverse APIs, Cloud-based applications, service-oriented architectures (SOA), and microservices. This transformative approach enables all applications under test (AUT) to be primed for seamless development and testing. Furthermore, our Service Virtualization practice empowers enterprises to rapidly simulate and adeptly manage test environments, accelerating the delivery of top-notch software to market, all while substantially curbing costs.

Test Automation Approach

At our core, we specialize in offering exceptional QA Automation Testing Services, tailored to assist businesses in achieving dependable and streamlined software testing automation. Our committed team of specialists excels in delivering superior automated testing solutions that expedite your testing procedures and elevate the overall software quality.

Automation Testing ServiceS

Our well-rounded approach to Test Automation involves:

  • Evaluation of Automation Needs and Application Landscape.
  • Review of Existing Automation Solution (if applicable).
  • Tool Selection, Proof of Concept, and Implementation.
  • Development and Execution of Automated Test Scripts.
  • Creation of Regression Test Suites with Versatile Execution Options.
  • Training and Transfer of Automation Test Suite to Clients for Future Maintenance.

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Test Automation Benefits

  • Test Automation benefits

    Reduced Regression Cost

    Upto 90% reduction of efforts required to run tests and analyzing outputs, increasing testing process efficiency.

  • Automation Testing BenefitS

    Faster Time To Market

    Upto 80% lower regression testing cycle time, helping achieve faster releases with higher frequency.

  • Software Automation Testing Benefits

    Better Testing Quality

    Improve the consistency and quality of testing by eliminating the chance of any manual errors while expanding test coverage.

  • Test Automation Software BenefitS

    Better Resource Utilization

    Reduce QA team frustration by automating repetitive testing tasks and utilize time to focus on release specific functional testing.

  • Automation Testing Software BenefitS

    Multi-Platform Testing

    Conduct tests across various operating systems, devices, and web browsers for seamless performance for all end users.

Test Automation Framework

Test Automation framework

Tx-Automate: Our Intelligent ‘Ready-to-Deploy’ Test Automation Framework

TestingXperts’ has ingeniously crafted an extensible automation framework known as ‘Tx-Automate,’ designed to be modular, reusable, seamlessly integrated, and fully compatible.

This framework boasts a range of out-of-the-box, best-in-class features for test automation, including comprehensive custom reporting, seamless third-party integrations, and highly configurable execution options. The true strength of the framework lies in its ability to effortlessly configure and create test suites by amalgamating a diverse array of automated tests, subsequently rendering these test suites available for seamless execution.

Built upon industry best practices and incorporating cutting-edge features, this framework is a catalyst in drastically minimizing the effort required to initiate automation. As a distinguished leader among automation testing companies, we house specialized teams proficient in all industry-leading tools such as Selenium, HP UFT, Coded UI, TestComplete, Ranorex, Appium, and more. Our expertise extends to supporting test automation with scripting languages that align with your team’s proficiency and comfort.

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Our expertise in Automation Testing Tools

TestingXperts Differentiators

Tx Automation Testing Strategy
  • Detailed Automation Assessment: Begin with a thorough assessment, establishing a clear automation strategy, roadmap, and RoI using the Tx-Automation ROI Calculator.
  • Tx-Automate Automation Framework: Deploy the industry’s finest automation framework, Tx-Automate, customized to suit your specific needs.
  • Reusability and Maintenance Focus: Prioritize reusability and ease of maintenance to reduce ongoing costs effectively.
  • Comprehensive Integration: Seamlessly integrate with test management, defect management, and continuous integration tools, ensuring traceability and lifecycle automation.
  • Proven Selenium Testing: Rely on our proven end-to-end Selenium automation testing process.
  • Expertise in Diverse Tools: Benefit from expertise in both leading open-source and commercial automation tools for web, desktop, and mobile applications.
  • Flexible Test Execution: Execute tests at various levels—application, suite, test case, etc.—across different testing environments using Tx-Execute.
  • Custom Test Reports: Enjoy custom test execution reports featuring a rich interface, catering to all stakeholders’ needs.

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