Ensure Code Security Across the DevOps Lifecycle with Tx-DevSecOps

A High-Speed and Shift-Left DevOps Security Accelerator for Digital Businesses

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Advanced DevOps Security Accelerator for Digital Businesses- Tx-DevSecOps

DevSecOps is about implementing advanced and logical security protocols in the DevOps process. TestingXperts Test Center of Excellence (TCoE) has developed an in-house accelerator, Tx-DevSecOps, for digital businesses to reap more benefits concerning code security. This first-of-its-kind dynamic DevOps security accelerator offers a framework for continuous security testing and vulnerability management. Further, it also enables digital businesses to optimize their application’s security within the existing DevOps CI/CD pipeline and ensures secure code deployment.

With this accelerator, today’s digital businesses can leverage its high-speed, shift-left approach for continuous security testing. Its framework seamlessly embeds security checks within your existing DevOps environment to track and remove modern threats and helps to deliver secure software.

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Tx-DevSecOps Features Overview

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Tool Agnostic Framework Supports Continuous Integration Pipeline

The main feature of Tx-DevSecOps is its tool-agnostic framework that helps automate the security of the entire DevOps environment and continuously integrates and deploys the application to the end-user.

Security checks at different stages

Tx-DevSecOps accelerator helps with relevant security checks at each of the following stages:

  • Pre-Commit Hooks
  • IDE Security Plugin
  • Secrets Management
  • Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
  • Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST)
  • Dynamic Analysis Security Testing (DAST)
  • Security in Infrastructure as Code
  • Compliance as Code (CAC)
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Alerting and Monitoring
  • Asset Monitoring
data management
Automated Code Review (ACR)

Tx-DevSecOps accelerator’s ACR enables developers to remove security issues before the project is built and deployed. This ACR feature allows scaling with the increase in release frequency. .

Software Composition Analysis

Every time the DevSecOps pipeline runs, Tx-DevSecOps runs an effective vulnerability check to detect any security issue or vulnerability in the third-party open-source libraries.

Static Application Security Testing

It helps DevOps teams identify non-running source code issues via Taint Analysis, Data Flow Analysis, etc.

Dynamic Application Security Testing

Tx-DevSecOps automates the DAST process to determine the run-time security issues and vulnerabilities before test deployment, thus enabling robust and continuous security testing within the DevOps CI/CD pipeline.

Sensitive Information Scan (SIS)

Before pushing the code into code repositories, SIS helps automate the scan of sensitive information, such as hardcoded passwords, tokens, etc.

Compliance as Code

The accelerator can be leveraged to incorporate CAC to ensure test servers follow the security regulations and policies. Compliance can be automatically enforced across the DevOps project infrastructure to reduce the attack surface while becoming compliance ready.

Vulnerability Management

With the Tx-DevSecOps accelerator in place, compiling the bug reports from different tools to a single dashboard, identifying false positives, and tracking vulnerabilities becomes easier. The security can be checked at every DevOps development and deployment stage. Typically, every stage produces some security output vulnerability issues visible in the vulnerability management dashboard.

Tx-DevSecOps Issue Tracker

Vulnerability management platform integrated with SAST and DAST tools manages:

  • Clients and projects
  • Access control
  • Vulnerability life cycle
  • Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) over the past five releases
  • Removal of duplicate vulnerabilities from the report
  • Access to interactive reports
  • Details of all open vulnerabilities, along with their severity and other technical details
  • Automated notifications of identified vulnerabilities across major collaboration tools (Slack, Jira, MS Teams, etc.)

Tx-DevSecOps Framework

Tx-SecOps Framework

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Open-Source Tools & Technologies Supporting Tx-DevSecOps

Security In
Infrastructure As Code
Dynamic Analysis Security
Testing (DAST)
As Code

Benefits to Businesses Leveraging Tx-DevSecOps

  • Helps businesses with end-to-end code security
  • Helps deliver secure code adopting the shift-left approach to security testing
  • Helps to manage the Vulnerability life cycle efficiently
  • Notifies Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) based on the criticality of the issue
  • Helps to perform OWASP Dependency-Check to detect vulnerable code dependencies
  • Helps to perform the static code analysis on the application and find issues
  • Helps to automate compliance checks
  • Provides detail of all open vulnerabilities along with their severity and other technical details
  • Removes duplicate vulnerabilities from the report
  • Delivers comprehensive and interactive reports to stakeholders
  • Delivers automated notification of identified vulnerabilities across major collaboration tools (Slack, Jira, MS Teams, etc.)
  • Significant time and cost savings by reducing code vulnerabilities to deliver secure code