
WCAG Compliance Testing

Published: 16 Mar 2023

Why WCAG Compliance Testing is Crucial for Digital Accessibility in the UK?

Last Updated: 26 Sep 2023

In the digital environment in the United Kingdom (UK), equality refers to the principle that everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, should have equal access to online information, services, and products. This means that websites, mobile applications, and other digital platforms should be designed in a way that accommodates people with different types of disabilities, such as visual impairments, hearing impairments, cognitive impairments, and mobility impairments. To ensure equality in the digital environment in the UK, it is important for businesses and organizations to prioritize accessibility and adhere to guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). By doing so, they can create an inclusive and accessible digital environment that benefits everyone.

Why WCAG is important?

Why WCAG is Important

Statistics show that accessibility is becoming increasingly important in the digital world. According to the World Health Organization, over 1 billion people worldwide have some form of disability. In Uk alone, around 14 million people are living with some form of disability. And, around 7 millions of these people’s disabilities are likely to affect the way they experience the internet. The numbers say how widely the WCAG accessibility standards UK need to be adopted and adhered to for the UK domains.

WCAG testing and accessibility standard ensures that websites and other digital platforms are designed in a way that accommodates people with different types of disabilities, making it easier for them to access information and services online. By adhering to WCAG guidelines, businesses and organizations can not only provide equal access to information and services, but also comply with legal requirements, avoid potential legal issues, enhance their brand reputation, increase their market reach and customer base, and improve the overall user experience.

WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2

WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2

WCAG has evolved over time to reflect changes in technology and best practices for web accessibility.WCAG 2.0 level and its guidelines were first published in 2008 and is still widely used today. It has three levels of conformance: A, AA, and AAA. WCAG 2.0 guidelines provide a comprehensive set of recommendations for making web content more accessible to people with disabilities, including requirements for text alternatives, captions and audio descriptions, keyboard accessibility, and color contrast, among others.

WCAG 2.1 was released in 2018 and builds upon the guidelines of WCAG 2.0. WCAG 2.1 guidelines introduced 17 new success criteria that focus on improving the accessibility of mobile devices, people with low vision, and people with cognitive and learning disabilities. These success criteria include requirements for touch screen accessibility, resizing content, and reducing motion animation, among others.

WCAG 2.2 is scheduled to be completed and published in April 2023.It builds on the previous version, WCAG 2.1, and includes additional success criteria to address the needs of people with cognitive and learning disabilities, low vision, and disabilities on mobile devices. It also provides guidance on accessibility features for content such as videos, animations, and images.

Overall, each version of WCAG builds upon the previous version and includes new and updated success criteria to improve web accessibility for people with disabilities. It is important for businesses and organizations to stay up-to-date with the latest version of WCAG to ensure their websites and digital platforms are accessible to everyone.

The levels of Conformance of WCAG

The Levels of Conformance of WCAG

WCAG has three levels of conformance: A, AA, and AAA. Each level has specific success criteria that websites and digital platforms must meet to be considered compliant.

Level A is the minimum level of conformance and includes the most basic and essential requirements for web accessibility. Meeting Level A success criteria means that the website or digital platform can be accessed and used by most people with disabilities, but not necessarily all people with disabilities.

Level AA conformance includes all the success criteria from Level A, as well as additional requirements for web accessibility. Meeting Level AA success criteria means that the website or digital platform can be accessed and used by most people with disabilities, including those with more severe disabilities.

Level AAA is the highest level of conformance and includes all the success criteria from Levels A and AA, as well as additional requirements for web accessibility. Meeting Level AAA success criteria means that the website or digital platform can be accessed and used by almost all people with disabilities, including those with the most severe disabilities.

It is important to note that meeting all the success criteria at any level does not guarantee that a website or digital platform is fully accessible to all people with disabilities. WCAG conformance is just one aspect of web accessibility, and Businesses and organizations should continue to test and improve their websites and digital platforms to ensure accessibility to a wide variety of user bases.

The Importance of WCAG Compliance Testing For Businesses in the United Kingdom

The Importance of WCAG Testing

The importance of WCAG testing cannot be overstated. Here are some important spheres of WCAG testing:

Access to Information

WCAG is important from access to information point of view because it ensures that people with disabilities have equal access to digital content, which is often the primary source of information in today’s world.WCAG guidelines help make digital content accessible to people with disabilities by providing specific recommendations for designing and publishing accessible content. For example, WCAG guidelines require the use of alternative text descriptions for images, captions and transcripts for videos, and accessible navigation and keyboard controls.

Compliance with Legal Requirements

WCAG is important for compliance with legal requirements in the UK just like in other countries. These laws require businesses and organizations to ensure that their websites and digital platforms are accessible to people with disabilities.

By complying with WCAG guidelines, businesses and organizations can protect themselves from legal action and demonstrate a commitment to accessibility and inclusion. This not only helps to meet legal requirements but also enhances brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Enhancement of Brand Reputation

Following WCAG guidelines can also help businesses and organizations tap into new markets and reach new customers. By making their websites and digital platforms accessible, businesses and organizations can reach people with disabilities who were previously unable to access their products or services.

Overall, adhering to WCAG guidelines through comprehensive compliance testing is paramount in the UK. It ensures equal access to information, compliance with legal requirements, and brand reputation enhancement. By prioritizing accessibility and inclusion, businesses and organizations in the UK can demonstrate their commitment to providing equal opportunities for all individuals and reap the benefits of an inclusive digital environment.

WCAG Compliance Testing Process

WCAG Testing Process

Manual Testing

Manual testing is an essential part of the WCAG testing process, as it allows testers to identify accessibility issues that cannot be detected by automated testing tools. Manual testing typically involves using assistive technologies, such as screen readers and keyboard-only navigation, to ensure that the website or digital platform is accessible to people with disabilities.

Manual testing can involve several different methods, including:

Keyboard-only navigation:

Testers can use the keyboard to navigate the website or digital platform, ensuring that all functionality is accessible without the use of a mouse or other pointing device.

Screen reader testing:

Testers can use a screen reader, which reads the content of the website or digital platform aloud, to ensure that all content is accessible to people with visual impairments.

Assistive technology testing:

Testers can use other assistive technologies, such as speech recognition software or magnification tools, to ensure that the website or digital platform is accessible to people with other types of disabilities.

During manual testing, testers should pay attention to several key accessibility factors, including:

Color contrast:

Testers should ensure that all text and images meet WCAG color contrast guidelines, making sure that text is readable against its background.

Alternative text:

Testers should ensure that all images have descriptive alternative text, which can be read by screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Form and control accessibility:

Testers should ensure that all forms and controls are accessible to people with disabilities, including people who use assistive technologies.

Overall, manual testing is an important part of the WCAG testing process, as it allows testers to identify accessibility issues that automated testing tools cannot detect. By using assistive technologies and paying close attention to accessibility factors, testers can ensure that the website or digital platform is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities.

Automated Testing:

Automated testing is an important part of the WCAG testing process, as it allows testers to quickly identify potential accessibility issues in a website or digital platform. Automated testing tools can scan the website or digital platform for common accessibility issues, such as missing alternative text for images or insufficient color contrast, and generate a report of any accessibility issues that are found.

Automated testing tools can be useful for identifying many accessibility issues quickly, but they do have limitations. For example, automated testing tools cannot always detect more complex accessibility issues, such as those related to user experience or user interface component or cognitive accessibility.

To use automated testing tools effectively in the WCAG testing process, testers should:

Choose the right tool:

There are many different automated testing tools available, and each has its own strengths and limitations. Testers should choose a tool that is appropriate for the website or digital platform being tested, and that can detect the types of accessibility issues that are most relevant.

Use the tool in combination with manual testing:

Automated testing tools should be used in conjunction with manual testing methods, as manual testing can identify accessibility issues that automated testing tools cannot.

Interpret the results:

Automated testing tools can generate a large number of accessibility issues, but not all of them may be relevant or significant. Testers should use their judgment to prioritize the issues that need to be addressed and to determine the best way to address them.

Overall, automated testing can be a useful tool in the WCAG testing process, but it should be used in combination with manual testing methods and with a good understanding of the limitations of automated testing tools. By using automated testing tools effectively, testers can quickly identify potential accessibility issues and take steps to address them, ensuring that the website or digital platform is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities.

Combination of manual and automated testing

Using a combination of manual and automated testing is the most effective approach to ensure that a website or digital platform meets WCAG guidelines for accessibility. Automated testing tools can quickly identify common accessibility issues, such as missing alternative text for images or insufficient color contrast, but they cannot detect more complex issues related to user experience or cognitive accessibility.

Manual testing, on the other hand, involves using assistive technologies to navigate the website or digital platform and identifying accessibility issues that automated testing tools cannot detect. By combining manual and automated testing methods, testers can identify a wider range of accessibility issues and ensure that the website or digital platform is accessible to people with different types of disabilities.

When using a combination of manual and automated testing, testers should follow these best practices:

Choose the right automated testing tool:

There are many automated testing tools available, and testers should choose the one that is most appropriate for the website or digital platform being tested.

Use the automated testing tool to identify common accessibility issues:

Automated testing tools can quickly identify common accessibility issues, such as missing alternative text for images or insufficient color contrast.

Use manual testing methods to identify more complex accessibility issues:

Manual testing involves using assistive technologies, such as screen readers, to identify more complex accessibility issues related to user experience or cognitive accessibility.

Use the results of both types of testing to prioritize accessibility issues:

Testers should use the results of both automated and manual testing to prioritize accessibility issues and determine the best way to address them.

By using a combination of manual and automated testing methods, testers can identify a wider range of accessibility issues and ensure that the website or digital platform is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. This approach can help organizations comply with WCAG guidelines and avoid potential legal issues, while also enhancing their brand reputation and providing better access to information for people with disabilities.


In conclusion, achieving equality in the digital environment is crucial for creating an inclusive society where all individuals have equal access to information and services online. One of the key ways to achieve this is through WCAG testing, which involves evaluating websites and digital content based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

WCAG testing is important because it helps to identify barriers and obstacles that prevent individuals with disabilities from accessing and using digital content. By conducting thorough testing and making necessary changes to websites and digital content, organizations can ensure that their products and services are accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities.

How Can TestingXperts help you with WCAG Compliance Testing?

How can TestingXperts help with WCAG Testing

TestingXperts is a software testing and quality assurance company that offers a range of services, including accessibility testing services. Here are some ways in which TestingXperts can help you with WCAG testing:

Accessibility Audit:

TestingXperts can conduct a comprehensive accessibility audit of your website or digital content to identify any accessibility barriers and issues. They use a variety of tools and techniques, including manual testing and assistive technology, to ensure that your digital content meets the WCAG guidelines.

Remediation Services:

After identifying accessibility issues, TestingXperts can provide remediation services to make the necessary changes to your digital content to ensure that it is accessible to all individuals, regardless of their abilities.

Testing Automation:

TestingXperts can also use automation tools to test your website or digital content against the WCAG guidelines, which can speed up the testing process and reduce the time and cost associated with manual testing.

Accessibility Training:

TestingXperts can provide training and guidance to your team on how to create and maintain accessible digital content. This can help to ensure that your organization remains committed to accessibility and continues to provide equal access to all individuals.

Overall, TestingXperts can provide a range of services to help you achieve WCAG compliance and ensure that your digital content is accessible to all individuals. Their expertise and experience in WCAG testing can help to ensure that your website or digital content meets the highest standards of accessibility and usability.

TestingXperts Differentiators

Here are some Tx differentiators defined in detail:

Tx ensures all business-critical applications are accessible to all by bringing them in line with the latest accessibility standards like W3C’s, i.e., WCAG 2.0/WCAG 2.1/WCAG 2.2, Section 508, ADA, RPWD & Stanca Act.

In-house teams consisting of highly skilled teams of experts, including differently-abled, who perform accessibility testing of applications.

Exposure to industry-leading open-source and commercial accessibility testing tools like AChecker, WAVE, aXe, Web Accessibility Toolbar (WAT), Powermapper Sort site, Accessibility Insight, etc.

Exposure working with all industry-leading screen readers for accessibility testing like Job Access with Speech (JAWS), NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA), Windows Narrator, TalkBack, VoiceOver, and ChromeVox.

Our teams have hands-on expertise working with all leading mobile accessibility testing tools such as TalkBack, VoiceOver, etc.

Our teams also deliver a detailed report in the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) to stakeholders for helping them make informed decisions.

Seamless customer support available 24×7.

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