Test Automation Framework Tx-Automate

"The global automation testing market size is expected to grow from USD 24.7 billion in 2022 to USD 52.7 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 16.4%" -MarketsAndMarkets report. When done correctly, automation can be a highly-effective productivity booster within testing teams and enhances the application/system’s quality. The key purpose of test automation is to create a faster and smarter testing architecture of an application that runs and adapts itself automatically.

Some of the Key Drivers Include

But, enterprises today, face challenges in adopting tools to automate their testing. It is primarily because of high investment costs associated with the right tool procurement and difficulty in selecting the right automation framework.


Enterprises embark on accelerating testing via test automation and prefer to GO LIVE in the “Shortest possible time frame without compromising on quality” of their products/services. Hence, both ISVs and enterprises expect an acceleration of test events across the Software Test Life Cycle (STLC).



the Key Drivers 2

TestingXperts’ proprietary tool, Tx-Automate, helps clients overcome these challenges and speeds up the automation of their functional and regression testing. It is a tool agnostic framework that supports a variety of tools, including Selenium, CodedUI, Test Complete and more.

The robust framework enables early automation, which helps develop test scripts during design and development phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Further, the solution leverages existing automation tools and allows engagement of business users in test automation, while reducing dependency on high-skilled testing personnel.

Created from Our Very Own Automation Center of Excellence (ACoE)

TestingXperts’ dedicated Automation Center of Excellence (ACoE) is backed by a decade of R&D to deliver cost effective Test Automation solutions. TestingXperts ACoE developed a combination of modular, integrated, compatible and reusable test automation assets that form the crux of Tx-Automate. This tool and technology agnostic framework seamlessly integrates into our existing automation frameworks, and bring significant scripting effort savings.

Out-of-the-box Best in Class Features

Tx-Automate offers an ability to have a fully operational test automation framework implemented rather than investing in building a framework ground up. The framework has ‘out- of-the-box’ best-in-class features for test automation including rich custom reporting, third party integrations, configurable execution options, etc. The framework helps configure or create test suites by combining various automated tests and make those test suites available for execution. A detailed view of features available upfront within the framework.


Test Automation Framework is well organized, easy-to-understand and comes with regular updates. It provides an easier way to expand and maintain, the design involved is robust so that the tests can be maintained easily and yield reliable test results.

Test automation helps in reducing regression testing time and cutting down the time to market with significant cost savings on a long-term basis.

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