Accelerate your Time to Market with Faster Releases Embracing Test Automation in DevOps

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Test Automation in DevOps UK

Today’s businesses need faster releases and quality products along with shorter time-to-market. This need for faster releases to get high-performing solutions is achieved by adopting test automation in DevOps and agile methodology of software development. During the software testing process of the software development life cycle, there should be less manual intervention and test automation using latest automation tools should be leveraged. Undoubtedly, for the success of DevOps practices with Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD), leveraging test automation for continuous testing (CT) using latest automation tools is the key for its success.

TestingXperts has been at the forefront in enabling test automation in DevOps services using the latest software test automation tools and also with our in-house accelerator, ‘Tx-Automate.’

Our test automation services best support your business objectives by enabling and designing an effective test automation strategy that is properly aligned with your business goals. We follow an effective and strategic 6 phased test automation process to ensure faster and quality releases along with ensuring faster time-to-market and quicker ROI.

TestingXperts 6 Phased Test Automation Process

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Stage-1 (Current-State Feasibility Analysis)

Project Investigation

  • Expectations/ Challenges
  • Current Processes & Tools
  • Application analysis
  • Documentation
  • Overall QA maturity

Proof of Concept (POC)

  • Tools evaluation
  • POC preparation
  • Tx Framework
  • Pilot solution(s)
  • Stakeholders Demo

Stage-2 (Prepare Detailed Test Automation Roadmap)

    • Why to Automate (Organization objectives and RoI)
    • What to Automate (Suitable automation candidates)
    • How to Automate (Technical Solution and tool set)
    • When to Automate (Prioritisation and Project plan)
    • Who will Automate (Team organisation and roles)

Stage-3 (Deployment of Tx-Automate Framework)

    • Proof of Concept using Tx-Automate framework
    • Integration with associated tool sets like Test Management Tools and Defect Managers
    • Publication of appropriate reports

Stage-4 (Development of Test Scripts for Test Cases)

    • Analysis of test flows
    • Test cases update/ documentation
    • Automating test scenarios
    • Test Scripting
    • Data preparation
    • Test Suites creation

Stage-5 (Test Execution, Analysis & Maintenance of Test Scripts)

Test Execution

    • Regression/Smoke testing
    • Other on-demand tests

Test Analysis

    • Automation testing results
    • Defects reporting

Test Script Maintenance

    • Updating test data
    • Refactoring of existing automation scripts

Stage-6 (Analyze Need for Additional Testing Services)

    • Security testing
    • Performance testing
    • Accessibility testing
    • Usability testing

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Benefits with Test Automation in DevOps

    • Ensures faster time to market with faster deployments
    • Improves the productivity of business and IT teams
    • Helps to save costs on maintenance and upgrades
    • Delivers quality software products
    • Increases release velocity through CI/CD model
    • Reduces human errors as tasks are automated
    • Ensures cost optimization and maximizes ROI
    • Helps to standardize processes with frameworks for quicker testing to enable faster code releases
    • Improves software quality as defects are quickly identified and rectified
    • Improves reliability, and reusability of system components
    • Delivers improved customer experience with quality products released to market
    • Ensures greater success for digitization, IoT and other enterprise transformation projects
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Why Choose us for your Test Automation in DevOps Implementations?

    • 10+ years of Test automation expertise with more than 500+ test automation experts
    • Quick team scaling based on the project requirement
    • Setting things right from the beginning with detailed automation assessment to come up with a clear automation strategy, roadmap and RoI using Tx-Automation ROI Calculator
    • Ready to deploy, best in industry automation framework – Tx-Automate – implemented with customizations as per your needs
    • Focus on enhancing reusability and ease of maintenance for lower ongoing costs
    • Support integration with test management, defect management and continuous integration tools providing complete traceability and lifecycle automation
    • Proven end to end selenium automation testing process
    • Expertise in all leading open source and commercial automation tools for the web, desktop, and mobile applications
    • Custom test execution reports

An Introduction to Tx-Automate

(A TestingXperts Intelligent, Ready to Deploy Framework – Assures Quality @ Speed)

TestingXperts (DevOpsXperts is a part of TestingXperts) has developed an extensible automation framework, ‘Tx-Automate’, which is modular, reusable, integrated and compatible. This framework has ‘out-of-the-box’ best-in-class features for test automation which includes rich custom reporting, third party integrations, configurable execution options and supports all latest tools in the market. The framework helps configure and create test suites by combining various automated tests and making those test suites available for execution.


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